Dr. W. Edward-Deming was a protege of Dr. Walter
Shewhart, who pioneered statistical process control (SPC) at Bell
Laboratories. He Spent one year studying under Sir Ronald Fisher, who
pioneered design of experiments.
Dr. Deming is credited with providing the foundations
of the Japanese quality miracle and resurgence as an economic power. He
developed the following 14 points as a theory for management for
improvement of quality, productivity and competitive position.
1. Create and publish the Aims and Purposes of the Organization
Management must demonstrate constantly their
commitments to this statement. It must include investors, customers,
suppliers, employees, the community and a quality philosophy.
Organization must develop a long-term view of at least 10 years and plan
to stay in business by setting long-range goals. Resources must be
allocated for research, training and continuing education to achieve the
goals. A family organizational philosophy is developed to send the message that every one is part of the organization.
2. Learn the New Philosophy
Top management and every one must learn the new
philosophy. Organizations must seek never ending improvement and refuse
to accept non conformance customer satisfaction is the number one
priority, because dissatisfied customers will not continue to purchase
non confirming products and service. Every one in the organization,
including the union, must be involved in the quality journey and change
his or her attitude about quality.
3. Understand the Purpose of Inspection
Management must understand that the purpose of
inspection is to improve the process and reduce it’s cost. Statistical
evidence is required of self and supplier every effort should be made to
reduce and then eliminate acceptance sampling.
4. Stop Awarding Business based on Price Alone
The organization must stop awarding business based on
the low bid, because price has no-meaning without quality. The goal is
to have single suppliers for each item to develop a long-term
relationship of loyalty and trust thereby providing improved products
and service.
5. Improve Constantly and forever the System
Management must take more responsibility for problems
by actively finding and correcting. Problems so that quality and
productivity are continually and permanently improved and costs are
reduced. The focus is on preventing problems before they happen
variation is expected but these must be a continual striving for its
reduction using control charts.
6. Institute Training
Each employee must be oriented to the organization
philosophy of commitment to never-ending improvements management must
allocate resources to train employees to perform their jobs in the best
manner possible.
7. Teach and Institute Leadership
Improving supervision is management’s responsibility.
They must provide supervision with training in statistical methods and
these 14 points so the new philosophy can be implemented. Instead of
focusing on a negative. Fault-finding atmosphere, supervisors should
create a positive, supportive one where pride in workmanship can
8. Drive out fear, Create Trust, and Create a Climate for Innovation
Management must encourage open, effective
communication and teamwork. Fear is caused by a general feeling of being
powerless to control important aspects of one’s life. It is caused by a
lack of Job security, possible physical harm, performance appraisals,
ignorance of organization goals, poor supervision and not knowing the
job. Driving fear out of the work place involves managing for success.
When people are treated with density, fear can be eliminated and people
will work for the general good of the organization. In this climate,
they will provide ideas for improvement.
9. Optimize the Efforts of Teams, Groups and Staff Areas
Management must optimize the efforts of teams, work
groups and staff areas to achieve the aims and purposes of the
organization. Barriers exist internally among levels of management,
among departments, within departments and among shifts. To break down
the barriers, management will need a long-term perspective. All the
different areas must work together. Attitudes need to be changed ;
communication channels opened project teams organized and training in
team work implemented.
10. Eliminate Exhortations for the Work Forces
Exhortations that ask for increased productivity
without providing specific improvement methods can handicap an
organizations. They do nothing but express managements desires. They do
not produce a better product or service, because the workers are limited
by the system.
11. (a) Eliminate Numerical Quotas for the Work Force
Instead of quotas, management must learn and
Institute methods for improvement. Quotas and work standards focus on
quantity rather than quality. They encourage poor workman ship in order
to meet their Quotas. Quotas should be replaced with statistical methods
of process control.
11. (b) Eliminate Management by Objective
Instead of management by objective, management must
learn the capabilities of the process and how to improve them. Internal
goals set by management, without a method are a burlesque.
12. Remove Barriers that Rob People of Pride of Workmanship
Loss of pride in workmanship exists throughout organizations because
(1) Workers do not know how to relate to the organizations mission.
(2) They are being blamed for system problems.
(3) Poor designing leads to the production of ‘‘Junk’’.
(4) Inadequate training is provided.
(5) Punitive supervision exists.
(6) Inadequate or ineffective equipment is provided for performing the required work.
Restoring pride will require a long term commitment
by management. When workers are proud of their work, they will grow to
the fullest of their job. By restoring pride, everyone in the
organization will be working for the common good. A barrier for people
on salary is the annual rating of performance.
13. Encourage Education and Self-improvement for Everyone
What an organization needs is people who are
improving with education. A long term commitment to continuously train
and educate people must be made by management Deming’s 14 points and the
organization’s mission should be the foundation of the education
14. Take Action to Accomplish the Transformation
Management has to accept the primary responsibility
for the never-ending improvement of the process, it has to create a
corporate structure to implement the philosophy. A cultural change is
required from the previous ‘‘business as usual’’ attitude. Management
must be committed, involved and accessible if the organization is to
succeed in implementing the new philosophy.
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