With so many remarkable things happening in the science and tech
worlds, it’s hard to choose which to talk about. Here are a few ongoing
developments worth keeping your eyes on.
Stem Cell Heart Generation–
For the first time, a human heart has been created using stem cells, a major step forward in organ generation. A couple years ago scientists rebuilt the heart of a rat using stem cells; the same team is behind the latest breakthrough. If all goes as planned, the heart will continue to grow and eventually begin beating automatically. The implications of this development are huge, including overcoming the problems of transplanting donated hearts.
Hybrid MRI / PET Imaging –
Simultaneous positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could provide the broadest spectrum of diagnostics possible, at least by current-tech standards. MRI is especially useful for examining soft tissues in the body, and when combined with PET (which is better at structural evaluation) it can provide extremely detailed imaging of organ tissue. The duo would work especially well in evaluating the true extent of liver damage, as one example, without exposure to high levels of radiation. The problem is that these technologies don’t play well together, so integrating them is no small challenge.
Applied Sciences & Engineering
Mimicking Porosity in Nature –
“Graduated porosity” in beehives, trees, seashells, bones and many other marvels of nature allows these materials to endure incredible stress without compromising the integrity of the entire structure. Bones, for example, can fracture in one place without affecting the rest of the bone. The problem is that these structures have evolved for specific purposes, and it’s not easy to synthesize eons of complexity. We are, however, getting closer to figuring out what clams and bees already know.
Nano Batteries-
Scientists have created the equivalent of a rechargeable lithium-ion battery the size of a nanowire, thousands of times smaller than a human hair. But unlike previous nanobatteries, this one is actually built right into a nanowire. This infinitesimal power source could provide nanomachines with the continuous power needed to accomplish whatever uses they’re designed for, such as exploring the cardiovascular system of a heart disease patient.
Transparent Batteries –
While we’re talking about batteries, it’s worth noting the first completely transparent battery was created this year. Developing a transparent power source was the last obstacle to creating transparent digital gadgets.
Plasma Arc Waste Disposal –
Imagine harnessing the power of lightning to turn garbage into glass, or into a gas that can be used as an energy source. This technology is gaining momentum in the waste disposal industry and is even in use at some solid waste facilities. The advantages include less garbage in landfills, less carbon from incineration, and creating a natural gas power resource. The problem: it’s expensive technology, and in these days of economic woes few public entities can afford it.
Ocean Desalination –
The U.S. lags behind the Middle East and Australia in figuring out ways to remove salt from ocean water to make it drinkable, but the technology is being used in a handful of coastal cities and we can expect several more desalination plants to launch sooner than later. Brackish water desalination is already widely used throughout the country. Two big questions facing ocean desalination: (1) how badly will it disrupt the ocean’s ecosystem, and (2) what to do with the salt brine?
Information Technology
Paperless Paper –
For us stubborn paper lovers, there may soon be a product available that provides the look and feel of paper, with the advantages of a digital device. In fact, the technology is already available, though it hasn’t yet translated into a marketable product. It’s called electronic paper (not to be confused with digital paper, a different technology). Before long, the plastic shell of e-readers may not be needed and you’ll be able to handle “paper” books, magazines, etc with all the bells and whistles your Kindle or Nook provides now.
Using EEG to Put the Brakes On -
Researchers have been exploring how to harness brain signals via electroencephalography (EEG) for several years, with some remarkable advances. Now a group of German scientists have figured out how to use EEG to put the brakes on a moving vehicle. This is a big deal because the normal reaction time for a person to apply the brakes is often too long to prevent an accident. The scientists showed that using EEG, they reduced braking distance by nearly four meters–the length of an average-sized car.
DNA Neural Networks -
Researchers at the California Institute of Technology say they have created the first DNA neural network that ”thinks.” They used DNA molecules to build four neurons made up of 112 distinct DNA strands. The amazing part is that the network can be trained to play memory games and come up with correct answers. If this all sounds a little strange, that’s because it is…but it’s also incredibly cool.
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